A recent highlight was the club annual dinner which was a real success, delivered by Jo and Dini Adams and chefed by Pete Gadsden who all received a well deserved and unanimous vote of thanks on the night.

We were very pleased to have both Hastings & St Leonards sailing club and Newhaven & Seaford sailing club attend the event and they were extremely complimentary of our clubhouse and the evening.

Cristina won the newly created Women’s Trophy donated by Richard E, designed to ensure women racers are encouraged to take part and given for most races entered in the season .

The lineup below is the cadet winners including Eve, Hanna and Callum who all qualified as assistant dinghy instructors this year. Much to their credit.

Also the Baber Bowl was awarded by the Commodore to the Sail Training Team who did such a good job this year, and was received by Geoff P on behalf of his team.

The Commodores Cup was given to Malcolm Brookes for his services to the Cadets and Club as a whole.

