15th/16th October:
With weather heavily affecting the weekend sailing , there were still some intrepid sailors looking to launch for the second race of the Frostbite Series on Sunday.

It all looked so calm as low tide progressed towards high, but as it did so did the surf on our launching beach progress to repetitive rolling waves crashing down , with undertow into bubbling white surf. 12 boats were rigged and ready to go…well that’s what it seemed. Lee Roberts[Europe] was first on the water , but quickly ascertained that the wind strength was not strong enough to power him through the waves. He flipped and turned along the surf, with many hands from the beach party then applied to drag his boat full of water up the beach. He was first , but not the last to experience this battle with the waves , and eventually the wet suited beach party were able to get 6 of the 12 boats racing , whilst the other sailors stayed on dry land.

The results-Aidan Harvey and Joe Turner[RS400] first of the three Assymetrics.
Arne Lovzus [Europe ] first , ahead of Lee Roberts, Slow Fleet. And Tony Witham [Supernova ] first ahead of Chris Burchell [Laser Radial ] Fast Fleet.

Racing will continue , weather permitting including on Sunday the Trafalgar Pursuit , this forthcoming weekend , and with just a few races left, it might just be a final chance to shake down your sails before the season ends.